Sunday, March 22, 2009

my blue eyes are full of hot, wet tears.

My take
i can't sleep. my eyes are puffy and red and they hurt. I feel alone. I don't know what to do. i can't concentrate on one single thing. My head hurts. My dog is of no comfort. Life seems like a mess. People suck. They are mean and want to build themselves up, even if that means making someone else cry their eyes out. I don't want people to get to me, i want to overcome!... but i don't have the strenghth. I miss my old life. The life i led when i was young and happy. FML is NOT an option. I have to pick myself up.

QUESTIONS: What's making me sad?
1. Last week was spring break and tomorrow i have to go back to school.
2. A bitch at school decided to send me a message telling me how she felt when i have been nothing but nice to her. I'm upset with myself for letting her get to me.
3. I miss my sister and brother. They are my world and i'm nowhere near them.
4. Addictions. They are chains, and i am only a victim wanting freedom.
5. I want to be closer to God.
6. My eyes seriously really hurt.

Give me stories about times where you've felt something similiar to my babblings. Let's help eachother out.

IN FACT: Here are some ways to make yourself feel better:
1. Breathe. Seriously. deep breaths- they make your heart slow down which causes your mind to think clearer.
2.Hot bath. Soothing and an immediate relaxant.
3. Don't wait. Don't wait to deal with your problems. They will come back to haunt you sooner or later. Sooner is better, trust me friend.
4. Journal. Even if it's a simple: I hate. life. is awful. help me. julie. bitch. suck. i can't believe."
even if you don't make sense, getting your thoughts organized makes things seem easier and it's a quicker way to find the solution.
5. Shoulder. Find a shoulder to cry on. It adds more tears when you think of the fact that your sitting there crying alone. You should find that one reliable person who you can call in the middle of the night, sobbing.
6. Be positive. Avoid sayings like "My life is over." Try: "I'm going to get through this." along with the deep breaths. You start to believe yourself.

Hang in there.


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I'm just tryin' to figure out this life.